Illustration mit dem Titel Siegfriede und das Geheimnis des Glücks

Berlin's best winter holidays! Sat 1st - Sun 9th February 2025

Siegfriede & The Secret Of Happiness

An Adventurous Winter Journey For Children Aged 7+

Enter a world full of magical, secrets and amazing stories. A journey to the little village of "Ortrand” will see you trying to solve the great mystery of the lord of the castle and embarking on crazy adventures with the brave Siegfriede. Help the hard-working tradespeople to make the village pretty and play exciting middle-age games at the fair. Learn about how the elves live and hopefully, there'll be a happy end.

Opening Hours & Tickets

Sat 1st to Sun 9th February 2025 
Sat + Sun: 12pm to 6pm, Mon to Fri: 10am to 5pm

Day Ticket: €5.00 per person
Families of 2+: €4.00 per person
Day Ticket Youth Group (Hort): €4.00 per person
Online Tickets
Programme subject to change!

The Village Of Ortrand

The magic potions bubble, the scents of myrrh, camomile and rancid garlic waft through the bustling alleyways. Everywhere you look, there's something to do and something to work on. Whether it's in the gardens, the wood workshop, the pottery workshop or the weaving mill. This is where you'll meet young Siegfriede and start your adventure.

Folk Festival

Half of the village turns out for the raucous folk festival to gallop around the hobby horse course, take part in dice and card games that are as old as the day is long and disguise themselves with mystical children's face painting. Come along! Have fun!

Magical Places

A grotto with magical creatures, an alchemy laboratory, elven dancing and flute playing – there's so much to discover as you wander through all kinds of mysterious corners and passageways. Siegfriede will be a constant companion and help you find the answers to your questions.

Theatre In The Winter Holidays

As usual, the Astrid Lindgren Stage is the place to be for a wide variety of rousing children's concerts, puppet theatre and musical fairy tales. Our in-house production of Pippi Longstocking will also be present to raise the spirits. So get enchanted and dive into a world of amazing theatre!

Films In The Winter Holidays

Raise the curtain!

There are various films and productions on show from Monday to Sunday in the FEZ's fezino cinema.